Friday, December 31, 2010

One day without shoes - campaign - join us on April 5,2011 :)

Have you ever heard about 'one for one' from TOMS shoes?
oh, it's a company which designs and sells lightweight shoes, running a program called 'one for one' that give us chance to give.
With every pair sold, TOMS donates a new pair of shoes to a child in need.

TOMS - Thank you!


lagu GarudaPancasila dalam kata

secara eksplisit lagu ini termakna.
Pancasila dasar pribadi. Karakter bangsa.
Garuda simbolnya.
untuk kemakmuran anak cucu kita, bangsa Indonesia, sentosa adil makmur..

patriotisme, berjuang, berkorban, negara kesatuan.

akulah pendukungmu, akulah patriotmu, akulah penerus perjuangan proklamasi.

garuda di hidupku.

words used in this blog

talking about what is the word I mostly use in writing on this blog, i found a tool

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jalan Rusak, Pengendara Motor Tewas Ditabrak Mobil DPRD

Ironis.. Apa yang mampu membuat Jalan itu bisa pulih dari kerusakan?

Jalan Rusak, Pengendara Motor Tewas Ditabrak Mobil DPRD:
", Majene: Kerusakan jalan di Jalur Trans Lintas Barat (Jalinbar) Sulawesi memakan korban. Seorang pengendara motor di Majene, Sulawesi Barat, tewas setelah ditabrak mobil milik DPRD setempat."

Alamak, Kuwait Larang Kamera DSLR - KOMPAS

Apalah bandingannya antara kasus dalam kutipan ini dengan SKB 3 menteri ttg rumah ibadah di Negeri Bhinneka Tunggal Ika?
Alamak, Kuwait Larang Kamera DSLR - KOMPAS tekno:
"KUWAIT, — Kalau di Indonesia, surat keputusan bersama tiga menteri diberlakukan untuk mengatur pendirian rumah ibadah. Di Kuwait, tiga menteri duduk bersama untuk mengatur pelarangan kamera DSLR atau digital single-lens reflex camera."

Sidney Mohede 'Tiada SepertiMu' (Behind The Scenes/Rehearsal Clip 'Louder than Life'

indeed a great song...
Love it since I first know it years ago. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Very short video showing the nobar AFF final #INDONESIA beating #malaysia

Very short video showing the nobar AFF final #INDONESIA beating #malaysia
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Update 10.46

and the result is: Indonesia 0 - 3 Malaysia..
but that just the first match.. until they come to our home on 29' dec 2010...



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Purpose Driven Declaration

Today I am stepping across the line. I’m tired of waffling and I’m finished with wavering, I’ve made my choice, the verdict is in, and my decision is irrevocable. I’m going God’s way. There’s no turning back now!

I will live the rest of my life serving God’s purposes with God’s people on God’s planet for God’s glory. I will use my life to celebrate his presence, cultivate his character, participate in his family, demonstrate his love, and communicate his Word. 

Christmas, a retreat and also a new start

Having great time today, it's so oh yeah.. We had an amazing Christmas celebration at church..
One I owe so many people is my greeting to them.. I had n't given them any greeting, only few who have been greet. But I pray, that they will be blessed by what we were doing.. :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting so excited with Christmas

It might seem annoying when I post lots of Christmas reminders and invitations, but,i am so excited...

I encourage everyone to come to's not because we have been preparing for the It's about something great, something's not us, but the One who we celebrate...

I experience many good things during preparation + our move to the new place. God reveals many things to me.. So wonderful..

I hope u to not to miss the good things, the godly, just come...
Taste and see...enjoy it..! :)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

wondering how did @tentblogger spend time to do this :)

here is the blogpost of The Ultimate List of Blogging Platforms, Blog Software, Free and Paid (100+!) by TentBlogger

I'm just wondering how long was he to spare time to try all of them out :)

Siapa yang melindungi dan membela Gereja?

God is for us, who can be against us? murder? terrors? death? NOTHING..

How about terrorists? oh, I tell u, God also loves them, for sure.. :)

But thank you very much for keeping peace and trying to guard churches. You are doing good deed. For God will surely bless you abundantly :)

Seems unusual, but interesting: Worshipping God in public :)

Seems unusual, but interesting: Worshipping God in public :)

I'm wondering how was the tabernacle of David... :)
people are free to join the worship. there were no walls, they could just come to meet and worship God.

here true worshippers did in Citraland (Ciputra Mall, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta)

Worshipping God in public

Pendidikan Perlu Dimaknai Menginspirasi -

Pendidikan Perlu Dimaknai Menginspirasi -

"Pendidikan di Indonesia mesti dilihat sebagai upaya merancang dan melakukan transformasi masa depan untuk menjawab tantangan yang lebih besar dan kompleks dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada saat ini. Karena itu, pendidikan harus ditujukan untuk menghasilkan manusia Indonesia yang berani melakukan transformasi sosial selain memiliki kecerdasan akademik, berakhlak, dan terampil."

I've been here.. :) | Danau cantik dari Bencana

Link: Danau cantik dari Bencana:

"Bill Rose dan Craig Chesner dari Michigan Technological University memperkirakan bahwa bahan-bahan vulkanik yang dimuntahkan gunung itu sebanyak 2.800 km³, dengan 800 km³ batuan ignimbrit dan 2.000 km³ abu vulkanik yang diperkirakan tertiup angin ke barat selama dua minggu.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Perspective about God

'They were not able to enter the land God promised because of their UNBELIEF' Heb.3:19

Perjalanan bangsa Israel dari Mesir ke tanah perjanjian 40 tahun bukan karena Tuhan menghukum mereka (Tuhan jahat), tetapi karena mereka TIDAK percaya.
mereka tidak percaya akan kebaikan Tuhan.

Kita percaya akan Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa,mampu melakukan segala perkara.. Akan tetapi kita sering gagal percaya bahwa Tuhan baik dan mau melakukan yang terbaik bagi kita. memberikan pemberian yang sempurna bagi kita.
Yoh 3.14-18

maukah kita percaya?

no matter what u think about GOD, the truth is: GOD is good,GOD is LOVE..

so the problem is: how you see you see God.

one of things that God doesn't have unless u give to him: your TRUST.
He has faith on you, so how about u? do you want to see with right attitude? do you want to believe?

God Bless You

Monday, December 20, 2010

List of Church Management Software I want to compare

Church Management Software:

ACS Technologies
Arena (Shelby)
Church Community Builder
Church Pro
Church Windows
Connection Power
Fellowship One
Membership Plus
Microsoft Access / Excel
Parish Data Systems
PDS Live
Servant Keeper (Servant PC)

Christmas, a birthday party

a birthday party, celebrated by hundreds of millions of people attending from all around the world.. everyone is busy to exchange their gifts with one another..but, only few who present a give to the Person who is birthday..
That is Christmas... so,now, they are celebrating Christmas but missing the Christmas...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Grace, Second Chance, Forgiving

Saya menemui orang yg kecewa terhadap orang lain, dan akhirnya melakukan sesuatu yang saya rasa tidak menguntungkan pihak manapun...jadi sy mengirim pesan balasan ke orang tersebut.. terjadilah sebuah percakapan via pesan pesbuk (beginikah cara 'facebook message' diterjemahkan?hehe...corny)

Ada baiknya ini sy post untuk mengingatkan saya dan kita semua tentang kasih karunia dan kebaikan Tuhan yang tanpa syarat. Dan saya berharap blogpost ini akan mengingatkan dan menguatkan kita tentang pengampunan dan 'how to forgive and forget'

~ Slandering people makes you inferior to them. Getting even puts you on their level. Forgiving shows superior character ~ Rick Warren. link

~ "To say "I forgive you, but I won't forget it" just means "I don't forgive you" ~ Rick Warren. link

Inilah petikan perbincangan kami. :)

kalau ingin berpikir seperti Tuhan berpikir, kita pasti memberikan second chance, meskipun sudah berulang kali...
mungkin aja anda bilang klo sy gak ngerasain jd enak aja ngomongnya... :)
tapi sy berharap yg terbaik untuk rindu anda juga terbangun dan tidak sia-sia berkecimpung di kegiatan yang sebenarnya membawa nama Tuhan dan memuliakan Tuhan.

Tuhan rindu memberikan kekuatan bagi anda, Tuhan sanggup menggantikan berkali" lipat apa yang sudah jadi kerugian bagi anda.

**he replied**

** his message here, censored **

baiklah, kembali ke respon tiap orang...

n, btw, Tuhan gak keras dgn org Israel, Tuhan sabar dgn mereka, Tuhan memberikan kasih karuniaNya..
Tuhan gak mempermalukan umat Israel d depan bangsa"..
mereka tetap di padang gurun, tetapi Tuhan memelihara mereka :)

klo kita belajar scr menyeluruh kitab taurat,5kitab awal, Tuhan nunjukin anugerah, biarpun mereka jahat Tuhan tetep memberkati mereka... tapi mereka yg meminta untuk otonom dan independen dr Tuhan..
hasilnya, di luar kasih karunia umat Israel dibawah hukum, dan mendapat hukuman...mereka bukan dikutuk atau dihukum, mereka tinggal didalam hal terkutuk dan mereka terhukum, di dalam keterhukuman..mereka gak percaya Tuhan, gak percaya kerinduan Tuhan untuk memberkati mereka..mereka mau 'otonom'.. john 3.18

*maaf sok menggurui, tpi sy rasa kita sama" perlu belajar ini :)


ya, saya, dan saya pikir semua orang, penting untuk mengetahui ini, dan sama sama bergulat dengan masalah ini..

Saya berdoa kiranya Tuhan membukakan pengertian bagi kita semua, dan menguatkan kita untuk menjadi representasi kasih karunia, representasi Injil (kekuatan Allah) di tengah tengah dunia ini. Amin.

Tuhan memberkati.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Jesus Christ: Messiah, the Greatest gift of Christmas.

Using SOAP Method in daily bible study..


Mat 1.1 "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."

Christ = Messiah : the anointed One.
He is the promised One.
the son of David, the son of Abraham.

God Promised the Messiah since human first sinned. He promised Messiah in the time of king David (he promised to David), and even in the time of Abraham (promised to Abraham)..

This how God keeps and fulfills His promises: Through generation, he never fails.

God I thank you for all of Your promises.. and for who You are.
I'm so thankful having You as my Master, as my Deliverer, as my Savior..
I'm so thankful knowing that You never fail to fulfill Your promise..
Help me LORD to stand in the truth not by what i see and experience but by faith that You never fail,.. that You keep Your promises through generations...believing that You are the LORD of the breakthrough, that You are beyond everything, beyond my problems.. thank You LORD.. You are amazing...
In JESUS' mighty name I believe and Pray.

* SOAP: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

'IMMANUEL' /εμμανουηλ/ = God with us.

-update 1 (Dec 12,2010) -
last night we had our church' prayer meeting at our new place.
Trying for not being too emotional, we fell and enjoyed the presence of the LORD there.

In the midst of our prayer, I was reminded about this revelation of 'who our GOD is'..

here I want to share, the message of Christmas.

Bible says "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, And they shall call his name Immanuel;(Mat 1.23 - as you can see in the youversion widget on the side of this page)

So now we know what is the message of Christmas:
GOD is with us. God of the ages, The Creator of universe, LORD of all creations, the Beginning and the End, is with us..
He didn't hold His mercy, He didn't hold His holiness, He didn't care about His richness.
The most wonderful thing is that He didn't hold His Only Begotten Son to give to us, for He so loved the world...
Thus to show us that He wants to be with us, that He wants us so bad, that He is madly in love with us..

He wants us to know that He is with us.

-end of update 1-

God fulfills his promises. (see my blog about the Alpha and Omega /το αλφα και το ω/ /את/)

so,what is his promise to us?
'IMMANUEL' /εμμανουηλ/=God with us.
that His Presence is so real..

Matthew 1.22-23
22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”[g] (which means “God with us”).

~my rhema this morning (Dec 15,2010)~

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Experiencing GOD

Just experienced a very great moment..

touched by Holy Spirit God, in my very own room...

i couldn't hold my spirti n soul to cry out and let him to renew me..

what a great God, living in me, rescuing me...

what a great experience of visitation.. :)

my burdens are taken, and easy ones are given...

my old yoke is taken, a comfy yoke is given to me to carry...

i've been in difficult days, FYI...

but GOD, He reigns.. He is Prince of Peace...

He came to my rescue and saved me... :)

He releases me...

he uses the pressures, until i have no choice, but only to trust..

and he touches me :)

YHWH shall reign forever.. i will fear not.. :)

oh, i am so happy... I have the Joy of The LORD :D

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Alpha and the Omega. Our LORD

studying about The LORD, the Alpha and the Omega.

kali ini aku observe singkat, meskipun bukan mahsiswa theology :P

Pewahyuan tentang nama Tuhan.

Tuhan memperkenalkan diriNya kepada manusia dengan beberapa nama..nama ini diberikan dengan keterbatasan manusia untuk mengenal Dia.

apa yang spesial dengan the Alpha and the Omega?

Gambar: Alfa dan Omega (Yunani)

Gambar: Abjad Yunani

I am The Alpha and the Omega - the Beginning and the End- dlm wahyu 1.8 ditulis dlm bhs yunani.

dlm bhs yg digunakan yohanes: את

Bisa saja kalau yohanes di Patmos di bawah pemerintahan ratu Elisabeth jadinya 'I am the A and the Z' :P J/K

Note: Nama TUHAN ini secara praktis tidak diterjemahkan / tidak memiliki terjemahan. hanya dibaca 'Ath'.~

Gambar: Alef / Aleph

Gambar: Tav

(את : dibaca kanan ke kiri /'alef' OR 'aleph' OR אָלֶף / /tav OR תָו /)

Aleph sendiri adalah Huruf pertama dalam alphabet Ibrani. Demikian Tav yang ke 22 atau terakhir. (bisa googling kok).

Biar percaya, ini deh AlephBeth /alphabet Ibrani:

Gambar: Alphabet Ibrani (Modern), dibaca dari kanan ke kiri

contoh penggunaan: "from aleph to tav" = "from A to Z" » ada benernya kan guyonanku? :) :p

Contoh di Kejadian 1.1, 'Elohim Ath' yg menciptakan bumi, hanya diterjemahkan sebagai Tuhan (bentuk jamak dari Eloah).

begitupula di seluruh bagian Alkitab Perjanjian Lama :

Kejadian 1.

Hebrew: .בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

Baca: "b·rashith bra aleim ath e·shmim u·ath e·artz"

Kasaran: " in·beginning he-created Elohim » the·heavens and·» "

Kasaran Indo: "di permulaan dia menciptakan Tuhan » langit dan »"

'Ath' sendiri tidak diartikan,tetapi seperti dilompati '»'.demikian di bagian lain PL.

dari bentuk/structure yang berbeda antara Inggris dgn Ibrani ataupun Indonesia dengan Ibrani kita butuh bantuan untuk melihat bedanya. :)

coba googling bahasa Jermannya: "saya menancapkan colokan ke steker."

kira inggrisnya: "I plug the colokan in to the steker" » inggris macam apa ini?hahaha

mungkin itu akan membantu kita untuk melihat penempatan "Ath" yang 2 kali tetapi tanpa ada terjemahan langsung"

yang jelas, umat perjanjian lama tidak mengerti apa maksudnya penggunaan 'Aleph Tav' ini..

Yohanes mendapat pewahyuan tentang Allah. Dia juga kita kenal sebagai rasul yang menyebut dirinya murid yang paling dikasihi Yesus.

Yohanes jg dikenal sebagai rasul yang mendapat pewahyuan yang luar biasa, hingga ia menuliskan penglihatannya ketika di pulau patmos, yang akhirnya menjadi kitab Wahyu, kitab terakhir di Alkitab. Pasti ada korelasi positif antara pewahyuannya tentang Kasih Kristus dengan pewahyuan lain yang dia dapatkan.

oh iy, Yohanes mati setelah dia berumur, meskipun pernah ditawan, dia tidak mati dibunuh seperti rasul-rasul lain.

Conclusion + Application:

TUHAN adalah yang awal, dan yang akhir. Dia yang berinisiatif melakukan sesuatu dan Dia yang menyelesaikan inisiatif dan janji-Nya dalam kehidupan kita.

Alkitab berisi janji-janji Tuhan dalam hidup kita.

Ingatkah Anda tentang janji-janji yang Dia berikan?entah itu pewahyuan disaat anda membaca Alkitab atapun melalui nubuatan hamba dan nabi-Nya?

Ingatkah Anda tentang pekerjaan yang Dia telah mulai di dalam hidup Anda?

Ingatkah Anda dengan awal baru, fresh start yang Dia berikan?

jangan menyerah, tetaplah nantikan Dia(Yes 40.31), karena Dia lah yang menyelesaikan itu dengan sempurna.

Tuhan Yesus Memberkati Anda dan Saya..

Peace... (",)v